Appendant and Concordant Bodies
of Delaware

First State York Rite College #45

Dover, Delaware

Chartered July 31, July 1976
Regular Meetings are held twice a year in the Spring and Fall.

The York Rite Sovereign College of North America exists primarily to be of service to the York Rite of Freemasonry. Constituent colleges must declare fealty to the Grand Lodge of their respective jurisdictions. The pre-requisite for membership, which is by invitation only, is good-standing in all four York Rite bodies: Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery or Preceptory (Canada.)

Link to Sovereign College of North America

Philip E. Parke, Sr.
Pre-Eminent Governor
2023 – 2024

Officers 2023 – 2024

GovernorPhilip E. Parke, Sr.
Deputy GovernorJames B. Walsh
ChancellorJoseph W. Dawson, III
TreasurerDavid H. Laucius, PG
SecretaryMark E. Irwin, PG
PrimateMark K. Button
PreceptorJames R. Hanby, Sr.
SeneschalDavid Walters
MarshalCharles Bombich
SentinelGeral C. Brennan, Jr.

Jesse Green Priory #70

Knights of the York Cross of Honor

Chartered September 3, 1983

An Honorary and Invitational York Rite Masonic Body.
Requirement: Presided over ALL FOUR York Rite Bodies.


Eminent PriorJay C. Bergstrom, KYGCH
Deputy Prior
Registrar – TreasurerDavid H. Laucius


A chance Luncheon conversation, although perhaps more deliberate than some might wish to admit, at the June 1983 Annual Assembly of the United Grand Imperial Council of Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine and Appendant Orders for the United States of America, Mexico and the Philippines between John Harris Watts, Grand Master General of Convent General, Knights of the York Cross of Honour, and Henry G. Law, became the catalyst for the formation of a Priory in the State of Delaware.

Freemasonry, in the diminutive state of Delaware, traces its origin to the military lodges which came to this country from Europe and, in later years, the Grand jurisdictions of the neighboring states of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Once known as the lower three counties of Pennsylvania, three of the four founding lodges of the Grand Lodge of Delaware were initially constituted under the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The fourth, from the lower part of the State, was constituted by the Grand Lodge of Maryland. The ties to these two states have remained strong over the 200 plus years of our Grand Lodge.

So it is also with the Priory of the Knights of the York Cross of Honour.  Up until the mid 1980’s, the leaders of the York Rite Bodies in Delaware were obliged to go to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or Frederick, Maryland, to be received into a Priory. The conversation in Baltimore, Maryland was sufficient incentive to motivate the Delaware members of Philadelphia Priory Number 12, to set forth on the establishment of a Priory in Delaware. On September 3, 1983 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Most Eminent Grand Master General John Harris Watts answered the prayers of the leaders of the York Rite Bodies of Delaware, led by Henry G. Law, and granted a Charter to Jesse Green Priory Number 70, located in the City of Wilmington, with the following as the first office-bearers:

                                    Henry George Law                 First Eminent Prior

                                    Richard Harding Thomas        First Deputy Prior

                                    Carl Ray Scarborough             First Registrar

The first meeting of the Priory was held at the Masonic Temple, 818 Market Street Wilmington, Delaware on October 22, 1983. On this occasion Most Eminent Albert S. Carney, Personal Representative of the Most Eminent Grand Master General Vernon R. Parks installed the following as Charter Officers: 

PriorHenry George Law, KYGCH
Deputy PriorRichard Harding Thomas, KYGCH
WarderJohn Simmons Proud, KYGCH
Registrar/TreasurerCarl Ray Scarborough, KYGCH
PrelatePaul Edward Hurter, KYGCH
OratorHarry Vail Felmey
HeraldSamuel Blank Rash, Jr.

The Most Eminent then presented the Warrant of the Priory to Prior Henry G. Law. Following the ceremonies, a dinner was held in the Bedford Club.

All 17 members of Philadelphia Priory Number 12, eleven who were present at this initial meeting, had consented to become members of Jesse Green Priory Number 70, whilst retaining their dual membership in Philadelphia Priory, and were its Charter members. These Charter members are so noted on the attached. The distinction of being named local member number 1 was afforded to Henry George Law, in recognition of all of his labors in obtaining the warrant for Jesse Green Priory. From that point on, almost without exception, the local membership number was based upon the individual’s entry into the Priory.

On February 4, 1984 at the Masonic Temple, 818 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware Most Eminent Grand Master General Vernon R. Parks, assisted by Most Eminent Grand Registrar General Stanley W. Wakefield, duly constituted Jesse Green Priory Number 70 and installed the aforementioned Charter officers.  Present on this occasion were:

Right Eminent Harry N. Young, Personal Representative for District Number 4

Right Eminent William Schoene, Jr. Personal Representative for District 2A

Right Eminent Albert S. Carney, Personal Representative for District 2B.

Following the Constituting and installing ceremony, three new members, J. Norman Nicklas, Horace G. Patterson and Donald D. Thomas, were received into the Priory in full form by the above named officers.  The Lectures were presented by:

LodgeKnight James H. Hutchins
ChapterKnight George A.McPhee
CouncilKnight Walter D. Wagner
CommanderyKnight Harry M. Sullivan, Jr.

Following the close of the Priory, most of the Priory members, and their Ladies, enjoyed dinner together with the representatives of Convent General, and their Ladies, at the Towne Wharf Restaurant.            

Jesse Green Priory membership has long recognized that their service to the fraternity did not end with their reception into the Priory. Its members have continued to devote themselves to the betterment of Freemasonry. One of the primary projects of the Priory is sponsorship of ‘An Evening of Masonic Enlightenment’, where it brings to the Craft in Delaware, and surrounding jurisdictions, notable speakers. The program was initiated in 1992 by Prior Harry M. Sullivan, Jr., with John Robinson as the guest speaker. In 1996, under the able tutelage of Prior Richard A. Scarlott, Dr. Gary Leazer enlightened a large audience on his experience with the Southern Baptist Church and his study on the compatibility of the Southern Baptist Doctrine and Freemasonry. On February 29, 2000, Prior James A. Pletz made arrangements with Worshipful Brother Wallace McLeod of Canada to journey South to captivate a large group of assembled Brethren. On September 21, 2002, Prior Charles H. Lengel, brought our distinguished Brother Thomas Jackson from our sister jurisdiction of Pennsylvania to Delaware to entrance an audience with his breadth of knowledge and wisdom. Lastly, Worshipful Brother Brent Morris joined us on October 22, 2005 and provided a captive audience a delightful evening of Masonic enlightenment.

On each of these occasions, a dinner preceded the evening’s lecture enabling the Brethren to join together for fine food and fellowship. On each occasion, the events of the evening, including selling books by the speaker when available, has enabled the Priory to recognize a profitable evening. On all occasions, any profits realized have been presented to the philanthropy of Convent General, the Masonic Home of Delaware, or used to provide a copy of John Robinson’s book ‘A Pilgrim’s Path’ to every public library in the State of Delaware where there is a Masonic Lodge.

One cannot reflect upon the history of Jesse Green Priory Number 70 without taking a moment to reflect upon the namesake of this Priory. In the annals of the history of the formation of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, one name stands out above all others – Jesse Green, a prominent, wealthy land owner from Sussex County. He served the Grand Lodge of Maryland as both Junior and Senior Grand Warden. He also served as Master of three Lodges in Delaware. In the time period leading up to the actual formation of the Grand Lodge of Delaware in June of 1806, it was Worshipful Brother Jesse Green that led those assembled to form this Grand Lodge. He was elected as the first Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Delaware and, in June of 1809, installed as Grand Master serving a three year term. Jesse Green Priory Number 70 is proud to carry his name forth for all to remember.

Almost twenty-five years after its Constitution, Jesse Green Priory Number 70 has grown from a charter membership of 18 Knights to just over 50 members, 27 of whom are still with us of this date. It includes within its ranks many who have served as Grand Presiding officers including, at this time, four who have presided over all four York Rite Grand bodies. It continues its dedication to Service to Freemasonry.

Donald D. Thomas, P.P.

May, 2007 

                                 Jesse Green Priory No. 70, K.Y.C.H.
                                              Charter Members

Henry G. Law118187198309/19/2009*
William H. Cantwell2079324/19/1987*
Rhey H. Smith3099794/4/1984*
Gustave A. Peterson40998010/30/1985*
Chester C. Coffin5116331979 (12)1/7/2012*
C. Ray Scarborough6127051983 (12)10/6/1994*
Richard H. Thomas71270619841/10/1992*
Paul E. Hurter81335819861/21/1991*
John S. Proud913899198512/25/1997*
E. Paul Wootten101577311/3/1989*
Harry V. Felmey111704819873/6/1992*
Samuel B. Rash121818619882/21/1989*
James H. Hutchins1318802198910/22/2005*
Walter D. Wagner14200736/19/1996*
George A. McPhee15200763/20/2006*   d
Lewis J. Blackwell162007719906/27/2002*
Harry M. Sullivan, Jr.1720078199110/30/09*
Raymond A. Howard18094869/13/1983*

*  Dual with Philadelphia Priory No. 12

d – Demitted from Chapter, Council and Commandery in October, 1990

N. B. Knight Raymond A. Howard signed the appeal for the formation of a Priory in Delaware but died on September 13, 1983, prior to the Constituting of the Priory, but after the issuance of the Charter. Convent General ruled that he should be considered a Charter Member of Jesse Green Priory so his Local number was added to the bottom on the initial list.

Delaware College
Societas Rosicrusiana in Civitatibus Foederatis

Chartered December 12, 1955
James R. Herrington, IXº
Chief Adept


1st Antient
2nd Antient
3rd Antient
4th Antient
Conductor of Novices
1st Herald
2nd Herald
Torch Bearer
Guardian of the Caverns

Delaware Council #18 Knight Masons

Chartered February 17, 1973

Fred M. Palmer
Excellent Chief


Excellent Chief
Senior Knight
Junior Knight
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Director of Ceremonies

Keystone Council #113 Allied Masonic Degrees

Chartered March 13, 1976

Regular Meetings are held twice a year in the Spring and Fall.

Next Meeting will be held on May 4, 2024 at the Dover Masonic Temple, 1478 Wyoming Mill Rd., Dover at 9:30 am


Sovereign MasterGerald Brennan, Jr.
Senior WardenJohn Chobrda
Junior WardenDavid Walters
Secretary – TreasurerMark E. Irwin, PSM
Senior DeaconFred M. Palmer, PSM
Junior DeaconJoseph Dawson, III, PSM
ChaplainG. Thomas Taylor, III, PSM
SentinelPhilip E. Parke, Sr., PSM

Two-by-Two Lodge #15 Royal Ark Mariners

Moored to Keystone Council #113 AMD
Chartered February 19, 1977

Regular Meetings are held twice a year in the Spring and Fall.


Commander Noah
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Secretary – Treasurer
Inner Guard
Outer Guard

Blue Hen Council #388 Allied Masonic Degrees

Chartered 2001

Regular Meetings are held twice a year in the Spring and Fall.

Next Meeting will be held on May 4, 2024 at the Dover Masonic Temple, 1478 Wyoming Mill Rd., Dover at 9:30 am


Sovereign MasterStefan Darczuk
Senior WardenLarry Biederman
Junior WardenMichael W. Jones
Secretary – TreasurerMark E. Irwin, PSM
Senior DeaconMark K. Button, PSM
Junior DeaconDavid H. Laucius, PSM
ChaplainJames R. Herrington, PSM
SentinelJon B. Cottrell, PSM

Delaware Conclave
Order of the Red Cross of Constantine

Wilmington, Delaware
Chartered October 21, 1936

David H. Laucius, PPS
Intendant General
Division of Delaware


Puissant SovereignJohn A. Eberly
ViceroyRandall C. Mullen
Senior GeneralFred M. Palmer
Junior GeneralGeorge Gadsby
TreasurerDavid H. Laucius
RecorderCesar Aniceto
PrelateTenney H. Wheatley
PrefectJared I. Card
Standard BearerRobert W. Noble
OratorMichael J. Ratcliff
HeraldMark K. Button
SentinelJay C. Bergstrom

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